It is highly recommended to get frequent massages and visit the chiropractor while training. I haven't really given much thought to the chiropractor yet, but I did start getting monthly massages. My cousin is actually my massage therapist, which probably motivates me more to go than if I went to a stranger. Why would someone possibly need motivation to get a massage?
Because it's literally 60 to 90 minutes of torture! Every time I leave from a massage session, it feels the same as being scolded by the dentist that I didn't floss enough.
I would guess at least half of my issues are associated from bad posture at work, from being a desk jockey, and from carrying a 25 lb backpack (yes, I weighed it out of curiosity at the airport recently). But, I know the entire lower body pain is from training. I stretch and I roll, but it's not enough. I need to be rolling at least 20 minutes a day, in addition to the workouts, in addition to the core, in addition to work, in addition to life... *sigh* And, while stretching doesn't physically hurt (very thankful for those years of ballet), I sound like a whimpering puppy when working my IT band.
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