Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thank You

A few weeks ago, I reached my fundraising minimum for Team In Training.  I know the avid cyclists and triathletes aren't exactly big fans of Team In Training, since we chit chat and ride side by side and clog up the bike lanes, but it's a great organization.  It gets people achieving things they never imagined possible.  It creates a platform for those that will turn in to hard core cyclists and triathletes, but just needed that community and coaching to get started.  It creates camaraderie among strangers.  I can't tell you the number of times I have yelled, "Go Team" to a stranger or had the same happen to me when I'm out on the road (or grabbing lunch after a training session). And, most importantly, it raises money for a good cause.  As I've mentioned in my fundraising page and emails, one of my best friends is in full remission today because he takes a daily medication called Gleevac.  Gleevac's research dollars were fully funded with monies raised by Team In Training.  You can choose to train on your own, pay for a coach, or you can choose to raise funds in exchange for a coaching staff.  I chose the latter.

So I just wanted to give a very big thank you to all of my friends and family and Marilyn's friends and family (my honoree who I miss very much) that have supported my fundraising efforts.  I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful network and support system.

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