Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Change-up

After the Team In Training season ended, I was planning to train on my own using the Ironteam training calendar.  But I found a coaching deal that I just couldn't pass up.  So I'm now working with a new coach and his wife, who is a nutritionist.  They are just starting up their business, so there will be learning curves for all of us over the next few months, but I'm excited for the change-up.  The workouts are higher intensity with less hours required (bonus for a road warrior like me).  And, because it is personalized coaching, I have someone working around my travel schedule and providing unique workouts for what I can do while on the road or even on vacation.  As far as the nutrition goes, I'm sure I will have plenty of material to write about that in the future, but from what we have gathered so far, I am under-caloried.  A chubby girl's dream, right?  It's actually quite sad to think about someone who struggles so much with weight and eats what I would consider "normal" and doesn't "diet" and then find out it is still not enough.  There are a few changes we are making to see how I fare, but after logging food for the past few days, I truly don't know how I can possibly eat more!  Overall, she said my choices are not bad, and that I need bigger breakfasts and bigger lunches with more protein earlier in the day.  I'm a little overwhelmed and intimidated about the next three months as this is going to be so challenging mentally and physically, but change is a good thing.  The past 9 months got me to Vineman successfully and it could easily get me to Arizona.  However, now I'm getting personal attention and who doesn't like that?  But, in all seriousness as much as I am freaked out right now, I know working with an individual coach will make it that much easier to get to the finish line before midnight in November.

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