Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Excuses Excuses

I haven't really gotten back into the swing of things yet.  Obviously, last week was an extremely light recovery week.  This past weekend I was in Tahoe for a family reunion.  I managed to get a stand up paddle boarding session in one day (Chris Lieto's core and cross-training workout of choice) and an hour run another day (I thought I was going to die within the first 10 minutes from the altitude).  I fully intended on swimming in the lake, but instead ended up enjoying the view of the lake. 

So last week was recovery, the weekend was a vacation, and I'm working in LA this week.  In addition, I've got a cough I can't shake and is keeping me up at night (medicine is not helping).  Nick asked if I had whooping cough.  And my mother randomly asked if I have a collapsed lung (because it is a very strange cough).  Obviously, it is neither of those as I am fully functioning, but just extremely annoyed by it.  

And, to pile on even more excuses, I'm a book junkie.  And, this training business is really cramping my reading style.  The weekend getaway got me on a new book and I can't put it down (Yes, Natalie, it is Jodi Picoult).  These past few days, I have found myself fully intending on going to bed so I can get up early to workout (as I have learned the hard way that evening workouts just do not work when I am onsite with this particular client), and I end up reading until the wee hours of the morning (along with my dreadful coughing).  I can't believe I'm admitting to myself that I am missing workouts because of five fictitious characters!

So those are my excuses this week.  I'm not beating myself up like I usually do.  Now that I've switched to a new training calendar focused for Arizona, it's technically a recovery week so I'm not missing much anyway.  I did finally manage to get a massage tonight (long overdue since Vineman).  It was torture.  When it was over, I discovered my mascara ran all over, if that is any indication of how it went.  She claims I am ready for child birth now.

With that being said, I am going to put myself to bed, deny myself reading privileges, get some rest, and sleep guilt-free, knowing that things will be back to normal in about two more days and training will resume.    

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