Monday, November 14, 2011

Getting Closer....

Less than one week to go.  Excited.  Nervous.  Still have much to do to get ready.  People don't realize everything that it takes to get ready for something like this.  Why would they?  They wouldn't unless they've done it.  There was very brief talk about me having to work in Los Angeles on Monday and Tuesday of this week.  If that were to happen, I would be an absolute wreck.  Luckily, it did not.  Some of this week includes packing normal bags, packing gear for every possible weather scenario, packing all the "just in case" stuff for Special Needs, packing all the nutrition, getting lots of sleep (ha...not doing so hot on that one right now), drinking lots of water and electrolytes, staying off my feet for a few hours a day, getting the short daily workouts in, preparing the bikes for travel, finalizing the race plan, memorizing the race plan, and working on the visualization/mental readiness plan.  I also need to practice changing a flat tire a few more times (ideally I want to get it done in under 5 minutes).

I had my last open water swim today.  The water temp was down to 60 degrees, which is very similar to Tempe Town Lake right now, and I felt good in it.  I also practiced my transition.  For the last three weekends, I have been trying to perfect putting bike shorts on over wet legs.  I am changing my bottoms out for comfort on all three portions of the race.  While I do need every minute I can get, the extra two minutes it takes to change, I will make up for in the bike and the run because I am wearing something more comfortable.  

I also met with my coach today to review my race plan.  I still have some homework to do here, but it's close.  I have very detailed plans for the bike and run.  He noted that I don't seem to have any trepidation regarding the swim, which is ironic because I dislike the swim and yet it's the only part of the day where I won't be at the back of the pack.  Swimming is just so incredibly monotonous to me.  I feel like 20 minutes has passed and then I look at my watch and see it has only been 6 minutes.  I feel like I will never make it to the shore.  Eventually I get there and it's over. And then I forget it ever even happened.  He recommended I sing this little ditty to myself in the swim:
Just keep swimming
Just keep swimming
Just keep swimming swimming swimming
What do we do? we swim, swim, swim
Oh ho ho, how I love to swim
When you WAAAAAANNTTT to swim, you want to swim 

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